Thursday, 22 September 2011

anti islamic quotes

Islam is an International Pestilence!!!

In 1947, in Pak Hindus 20%, Muslim Terrorists were 80% and in India Hindus 85% and Muslim terrorists 9%.

In 2011, in Pak Hindus 1%, Muslim Terrorists were 98% and in India Hindus 75% and Muslim terrorists 20%.

Muslim trit0rs created Pakistan by splitting the nation, but today still there are 200 million Muslim terrorists in India. Being in India these trait0rs support Pakistan and also support the Kashmiri separatism.

Muslims rascalls talk about Israeli occupation of Palestine, but the never talk about the fact that Muslim rascalls occupied Israel for nearly 1000 years until 1917 until British kicked them out..

Muslims rascalls talk about Kashmir, but they never talk about the fact that Muslim rascalls tried to occupy in India for over 1000 years until 1757 until British blasted their a55 H0les.

Muslims are basically invaders, encroachers, trait0rs and thugs. It is a mistake to think that a Muslim is an honest citizen of the country who just practices some other religion. Nay, a Muslim is a parasite and trait0r who eats into the vitals of the nation and surreptitiously aids the enemy. The real Islamic nation has no boundaries; it transcends across all the national boundaries and covers the entire globe. A Muslim never rests until he brings the whole world under his bloody oppressive Shariat law. Islam is an international pestilence.

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